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15 Aug

Welcome Friend!




So, today’s the day! After several months of going completely N-FRIGGIN’-SANE  planning, & re-planning, thinking & re-thinking, AND doing + RE-flippin-DOING… HERE. WE. ARE… The birth of Style Delegate (SD)! I’m so excited for the opportunity to share my world, and I look forward to getting to know you all in the process.



This journey has been much more intimate than my first blogging experience, as I’ve learned much over the years–I look forward to sharing those lessons-learned in the future. With a name as forward as “Style Delegate” it’s pretty friggin’ obvious that Fashion + Beauty will be in heavy rotation. However, we’ll also explore beyond that, I truly believe style and beauty to be worthless if a woman lacks substance… heck, let me put that in quotation marks for y’all!

I believe Style + beauty to be worthless if a woman lacks substance


but anyway, in the meantime, let me know, what your interest are, who you be with, things to make you smile, what numbers to…., lol, Okay, so that line is straight from the late, great B-I-G, for those who are unaware!  BUT, seriously, drop your IG + Twitter handle in the comments section, so I can stop by for a visit.

Oh, and so you know dahling, this is how one should conduct themselves when celebrating the launch of their fabulous Blog….

*Queue the CONFETTI people, it’s a CELEBRATION!!!!



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Now, drop those “handles”

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