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19 Oct

Do you really hate Monday, or is it your Job you dislike?

Do you really dislike Monday?


It’s Monday, the day we all love to hate. Mainly because it forces us out of our comfy beds, into the office dread. By now, you’ve managed to tow your body from your king size haven, crawl your way into the shower, and power-up a little energy from your morning playlist; which happened to lift your spirt juuusst enough to get you to Starbucks for a date with your favorite guy, JOE! You hop back in your ride and begin singing along like “All I gotta do is put my mind to this ish, cancel out my “X” I put a line through that…” You thrive from the energy of the music, it helps soothe your mental state as you whip into your parking spot, and put your game face on. You step into the parking lot and your wardrobe exemplifies modern sophistication.

Here we go. It’s time to activate the work voice, and paste on the poker smile! BUT, in all honesty, you really aren’t feeling it! You’re just doing what you’ve gotta do. You’re working your well paying job, and cashing in on your good benefits. It took you years to establish your place as a working woman. You’ve hustled your way through school, or worked your way through the trenches,  so you could indulge in the subtle working girl luxuries. You swallow your unconventional dreams and focus on a career and degree path thats guaranteed to have good pay and great benefits. all while day-dreaming of the day when you can retire (say 20 friggin’ years from now) and start a second career doing something fulfilling. It’s now 2pm and you’re ridiculously tired of faking it. You have absolutely no energy or interest in being at work, living the cubicle life.  Yet, ironically when 5:00 strikes, you instantaneously get your mojo back! You’re ready to take on the world again.

Let you tell it, it’s Monday’s fault that you were in the dumps today.

Let Monday tell it, it’s your Jobs fault…

I dunno, Lol!

Anyway, my point is do you really hate Monday? OR is it your career choice that’s the problem?

WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Why wait 20 plus years to do something that can be done today.

Don’t you deserve to live a gratifying life, NOW?  If you’re reading this article and you’re absolutely loving your career path, + you still get excited about puttin’ in those 8-10 hours, CONGRATS! You’re doing it right honey. That’s indeed a grand accomplishment.  On the flip side, if you’re dreading every waking moment of going to work, AND you don’t just feel that way on Monday, but you feel like that 85 % of the time, THEN IT’s TIME TO MAKE A CHANGE.

It’s time to reevaluate your career and understand your WHY.

Nine times out of ten it’s because you’ve brought in to tradition. You’ve fell into believing that getting a good paying job with great benefits is what you’re suppose to do. And for some that’s the absolute truth.

Some people are destined to work good jobs, and help build fortune 500 companies. Not only are they happy doing it, but they’re  great at it and thats awesome sauce. That’s my definition of WINNING.  Loving what you’re doing and raking in those greenbacks to do it!

However COMMA–some of us have another calling, one that nags us to chase our dreams, and build our empires. One that requires us to open our own little boutiques or cafe’s about town. Some of us have a calling that goes deeper than our current 9 to 5 SIT-CHU-ATION! One that requires us to TRY AND FAIL so that we can begin to SUCCEED.

Are you tussling with the burning desire to conquer your dreams and live life doing the things that you LOVE doing? Do you realize how incredibly amazing you are + that your talents are unlimited and unmatched by any other being. Pretty special right? You are bound for success and living prosperously  when you fully embrace the fact that GOD will bless everything you DECIDE to commit too BUT first you must step out on faith and begin putting in the work. Go ahead. Take the leap. Walk into YOUR unique vision. Step out on faith and position yourself for GODS favor to reign upon you.

Beware, there are millions…yes, MILLIONS of people who absolutely love and enjoy the work they do. There are so many people in the world who DON’T HATE MONDAY’S, folks who believe that weekends + workdays are created equal! They aren’t hanging onto Sunday all while dreading  the return of Monday. It’s not too late for you to become one of those people.


You don’t have to sacrifice your dream or your goals to make a good living for yourself. You can definitely make a great living working and doing something you actually enjoy, while being HAPPY in the midst of it.  Now this is not to say that you need to cut out of your role in your current job if that’s how you’re paying the bills. Don’t do it! I’m simply saying that you should do a little soul searching, and understand why it is you feel the way you feel about Monday (and all the other work days during the week), as most likely, it’s not Monday (or weekdays) you hate. okay!


When you determine what you’d rather do with your Monday, Commit to devising an action plan and make strides to build a life that you’ll love EVERYDAY of the week.  Monday included.  This is as simple as jotting down your likes and dislikes, and zeroing in on what you’re good at- ask yourself, SELF… what do you do well and commit to doing that thing. Use that self knowledge to  create a product, service, and/or lifestyle!

Ladies! 2016 is on our heels and there is no better time than now to start building your future lifestyle. It all starts with a single step. It’s time to build that exit strategy. Monday’s need love too.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you imagined.”

  • Treka L. House

    This post is on target. Oftentimes, we do buy into tradition and the security traditions provide. But honestly, those traditions don’t always make us happy. I would know. I can adjust to new locations, jobs and people; but I don’t always want to. I’ve learned that even if you can’t afford to walk away from your established means of security, that it’s possible to do both what you love and what pays the bills; until you can afford to do what you truly want to do. But whatever you do, don’t give up on your dreams. You’ll regret it later. Great post Maya, as always!

    10.24.15 at 3:09 pm Reply

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