Stopping through with a MAJOR update, because I’ve been out here making moves and I want to ensure that I bring my Good, good girl (and boy) friends along for the partayyyy. It just occurred to me that I haven’t told y’all about my current happenings.
How about your girl is out here building a whole. entire. lifestyle brand. I’ve had this vision/desire for years, but I didn’t find the inner courage to execute it until now. I guess I can attribute this new found courage to all that has transpired over the course of this year. With so many losses and uncertainties happening all around us, I realized that there is no better time than the present. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed and I’ve NEVER been a fan of regret. Thus, I’ve dedicated this year to doing everything that I’ve always wanted to do. Launching this brand is so important to me because I want to have a means to do for others what I couldn’t do for myself.
My ultimate goal is to create opportunities for people who look like me. People who come from where I’ve come from. I want to provide them with opportunities that I wished for when I was trying to find my place in the world. I aspire to create opportunities that aid in balancing the socio- economic scales…while investing in local youth programs that support the development of future leaders in underserved communities.
So on the surface, for those who aren’t in my inner circle… it may look as though I’m launching a dope t-shirt brand. However, things aren’t always what them seem now are they?
For me, it’s runs deeper than that. I’m not launching t-shirts, I’m launching the mothership of hope. I’m launching a place that welcomes true diversity and inclusion, a place where we all belong. What I’m launching is a place where we can thrive and show up in the fullness of who we are. I’m launching a company that understands that when we empower one another to share our authentic stories and show up as our authentic selves we create an environment and culture of growth and connection which in-turn will lead to freedom and wealth.

I wanted you all to be amongst the first people to know and see some of the Kultured Collection pieces that I’ll be dropping. Each t-shirt has a story, and every story derives from an experience. I’ll be launching the shop in October… as a birthday gift to myself. But of course, you all will have early access. I’m so excited to share more of the brand story with you all. Be sure to let me know which piece is your favorite. Stay locked because I’ll be sending you all a friends and family discount, but keep that close hold for now. If you want to stay connected with me on social… follow me over on IG at @ShopKulturedCollection
Much love and light, Good Peeps!
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