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7 Jul

Transform Your Life, Work, + Confidence with Everyday Courage


Motivated AF or Nah?

any of us are hella motivated, until we’re not and thats one of my issues. It’s something I’ve become very aware of and so I’ve been working on exploring and implementing methods to counter the mental madness.

“The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal or idea- you must 5,4,3,2,1…and GO! Physically move into action or your brain will stop it”–Says Mel Robbins, International Bestseller Author and Narrator of “The 5 Second Rule” which is a book written to help you change Your Life, Work and Confidence with everyday Courage.

The interesting part about the 5- Second concept is, it doesn’t even matter what “It” is. Be it working out, eating healthy, asserting your personal or professional opinion, stepping out of your comfort zone, negotiating for a higher salary, creating a Blog, launching that new product line, saving or investing your first 5k, whatever it may be for you… If you don’t take action within the moment, within that 5 seconds…

That thing that matters so much that it tugs at your soul

That thing, that idea that could be life changing for you (and your loved ones) …

It just vanishes into the mega wasteland of unfulfilled hopes, dreams, and aspirations and finds itself in cue with all of the other countless “later on’s, next times, and hopefully “tomorrow’s” of the world, trust me, there’s plenty of them!

Over the years I’ve acquired a huge disliking for Could’ve, Would’ve, and Should’ve. Mainly because for me, they’ve always lead to “But Didn’t!” Which, actually holds a permanent seat beside our least favorite associate, Regret.

Regret sucks major ass- it’s such an awful feeling.

I know because I’ve had the displeasure of feeling it time and time again. I happened to be one of those people that could give tons of great advice but Lord knows when I had to advise myself, I’ve managed to fall short well over a dozen times.

I attribute it to my keen ability to over think, over share, and over analyze…  the entire FUCK out of EVERYTHING!

Let’s see…

Sending an email to the President of the company? No prob… I’ll just write and rewrite it twenty-eleven times before actually clicking send.

Got a kick-ass business idea? Let’s just research it and think it through until we become clouded and mentally paralyzed…

A glaring opportunity? How exciting! Well, that is until I convince myself that I’m not really ready to take that on right now…

This sounds ridiculous, but honestly, it’s true.

Fact is, I’ve done a lot of great things that I’m proud of. I’ve accomplished much. And if you’ve ever actually met me in person, one of the first things you’d likely say about me is that I’m confident—and that I walk with Purpose, and you’d be right. That’s actually true, at times.

The thing is like many of you, my confidence is not consistent…It’s not always on 1000! it’s more of an ebb-and-flow kind of confidence.  And that’s perfectly ok.

I’m not striving for perfection, I’m striving for self-improvement.

I know that I have much more to do and I’m honest enough with myself to realize that the only thing holding me back from actualizing my soul gripping desires…is Me!

The cool thing is, knowing this puts me in a power-position.

When you’re able to come to terms with self and where those triggers are, you can now recognize them and propel forward in your quest of personal mastery.  

The premise of the 5 Second Rule is to assert control of your thinking by counting backwards which mentally shifts the gears in your mind… the counting distracts you from your excuses and catapults you into action, research shows that when you physically move, your physiology changes and your mind falls in-line with your body.

This Is also known by physiologist as “Metacognition” says Mel Robbins. The Metacognition technique is simply having awareness and understanding of ones thought processes.

You can’t control what you don’t understand so having this understanding is key to manifesting the lifestyle you desire to live.

Having a starting ritual activates your prefrontal cortex and helps you change your behavior. The prefrontal cortex is the part of your brain that helps you focus and take deliberate actions in your life.

One of the things Mel touches on is that there will always be things in your life that you hate doing— BUT, if you want to propel forward, you’ve still gotta make the choice to do it… especially during those times when we don’t feel like doing much of anything at all.

I’ve got a laundry list of things I’d like to manifest into existence and I’m applying the five second rule as an aid to get me there! The goal is to take control of my mind and develop daily practices/rituals that will keep me centered on my bottom-line. 5-second decisions lead to small gains and small gains eventually add-up to big WINS over time.

It’s about pushing yourself and taking action within those pivotal moments—it comes down to what you decide to do within 5 seconds. Intentional 5 second decisions are life changing so let’s choose wisely.

Taking this simple 5-second decision-making approach creates momentum that boosts your confidence and you experience a sense of freedom and power… 

I’d really love it if you joined me in Mel’s 31-Day Challenge

Let’s win at life together!

Grab the book here and let me know what you think I strongly recommend this book and I’d love to know what your favorite parts of the book are. I’m currently reading chapter 7, and I managed to accomplish so much already! . I personally prefer listening to books on audible but sometimes I need to highlight (my faves) and make page notes so I often purchase the audible as well as the hardcopy.

When you purchase the book, as a bonus gift, you also gain access to 31-Coaching Sessions with Mel Robbins.

The sessions are sent to you daily, via email. The first challenge is to go 24-hours without complaining. I’m very proud of myself because I actually did it! I must confess that practicing gratitude has helped me a lot. The fact that I’ve been practicing having a heart of gratitude, made the challenge a little easier than normal.

Here’s a Video of Mel’s viral TED Talk:



Fear Kills more Dreams than Failure Ever Will




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